ACA Open Enrollment for Brokers & Agents: 2024 Checklist

The summer and early fall months go quickly, and you won’t want the ACA open enrollment period (OEP) to creep up on you, leaving you ill-prepared for a successful ACA selling season. 

You need to prepare early to hit the ground running in November (or whenever your state begins open enrollment) for a successful ACA open enrollment season.

The warmer months are the best time to inform potential clients of the OEP window and emphasize that they can’t enroll again until the next OEP rolls around unless they qualify under a special enrollment period due to a special event. 

Inflation and the economy have impacted almost everyone over the last year. For that reason, consumers are looking for coverage that meets their needs at the best price. 

We’ll provide an overview of why you need to prepare early for OEP and offer up an open enrollment checklist of what you need to do before then. We’ll also give you tips for developing a post-OEP marketing plan and assessing your performance. 


Early Preparation Is the Key to Successful ACA OEP 2024 Season

ACA OEP 2024 Checklist for Agents & Brokers

  1. Get Properly Licensed
  2. Check Your Health Insurance CE and Licensing Renewal
  3. Verify Your Marketplace Registration
  4. Get Up to Speed on Trends and Changes in the Health Insurance Industry
  5. Research the Benefits Consumers Want Most
  6. Inventory Your Marketing Supplies
  7. Start Sending Out Communications
  8. Set Up an Online Presentation or Revise Your Current One
  9. Start Pulling Quotes

Develop a Post-OEP Communication Plan

Assess Your Performance

Early Planning Is the Key to Success

Early Preparation Is the Key to Successful ACA OEP 2024 Season

As an insurance agent, you know that benefit plans change every year, but your clients and prospects may not. 

When it comes to healthcare, many things can change during the course of a year. Clients may need different coverages and benefits than they’ve needed in the past. 

A client’s plan may offer different benefits than the previous year. New plans emerge, and some plans may not be available at all. 

Reviewing a client’s needs will help you guide them toward the best plan for the coming year. 

Here’s a look at what your clients and you have to benefit by preparing early for OEP.

Early OEP Preparation: What’s In It for Clients

Medical costs increase each year, making it increasingly difficult for people to find a quality health plan at an affordable premium. This challenge opens the door to getting consumers engaged in conversations about what’s new in 2024.

By contacting clients early, they’ll have plenty of time to reassess their needs and review your recommendations without having to make a hasty decision before OEP ends.  

Consumers will benefit from early OEP preparation by understanding subsidies and taking time to research their options without feeling rushed into making a decision. 

OEP is a great time to share your expert knowledge about the value of subsidies and how they work. Your clients will appreciate knowing that the subsidies will still be attractive in 2024.

Since COVID, consumers can get subsidies in greater amounts than before the pandemic, thanks to the American Rescue Act and the Inflation Reduction Act. This change will be in effect until 2025 unless Congress extends it. That said, consumers should also know how their income could affect the amount of subsidy they qualify for at the time of enrollment and if their income should increase throughout the year. 

While clients will be happy to know they can stay with their current plans, they should understand that some coverages may have changed. They’ll be happy to learn they can keep their current plan or choose from many other plans.

Overall, early preparation will help your clients be satisfied with their coverage and premiums. 

Early OEP Preparation: What’s In It for Agents & Brokers

Successful agents plan SMART goals at least once a year and monitor them throughout the year. 

Early preparation for OEP gives you a chance to develop a plan for prospecting your target market, whether that is for individuals, businesses, or both.

Clients may not respond to your first few contacts, so you’ll have plenty of chances to create touchpoints that motivate them to do so. 

Time is on your side, as you will also have ample time to review each client file and personalize your approach. Your client’s needs may have changed since the last time you interacted with them. Once you make contact, you’ll have the benefit of knowing which of their needs have changed and which have remained the same.

With a screen-sharing tool, you can help clients fill out their applications, finish their enrollments, or renew online.

Once a customer agrees to let you represent them in the Marketplace, you can provide services for them and get your full commission, even if they get a significant subsidy. 

Your clients are bound to appreciate how your support effectively reduces their confusion and frustration over enrolling in or renewing their health plan during OEP. Their appreciation will organically translate to loyalty.

ACA OEP 2024 Checklist for Agents & Brokers

Whether you are new to selling health insurance or are a seasoned agent or broker, the following 2024 OEP agent checklist will help you cover your bases to ensure you’re ready to sell remotely as soon as OEP opens. 

You’ll have the best success when you get organized and have a ready marketing plan. It’s not too soon to start working on your agent checklist for OEP as early as July or August. 

Here’s what to do starting now:

1. Get Properly Licensed

If you intend to sell plans on the federal exchange, you must complete the Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM) certification, where you will learn all the basics of ACA insurance. You will need to score 70% or higher to get your certificate and be qualified to sell ACA insurance plans via the Marketplace. 

New agents must take the full individual training for 2024 for the states you want to sell in. You can do this through the Marketplace Learning Management System (MLMS) or an HHS-approved vendor

Returning brokers and agents who completed training in 2023 can take a shorter training in 2024, which takes about an hour. They can also take optional modules for review. 

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services provides a helpful guide for Marketplace registration and training for 2024. 

State-based Exchanges for 2024 include:

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • District of Columbia
  • Idaho
  • Kentucky
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • Nevada
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington

State-Based Exchanges on the Federal Platform for 2024 include:

  • Arkansas
  • Georgia
  • Oregon

2. Check Your Health Insurance CE and Licensing Renewal

You can check your health insurance license renewal date and your continuing education credits at the National Insurance Producer Registry. Complete your continuing education requirements and make sure your license will be in effect during OEP. 

3. Verify Your Marketplace Registration

To confirm that you are properly registered as a Marketplace agent or broker, go to and input your National Producer Number and zip code. Click on “View Status.” You should see the word confirmed next to your name.  It may take a couple of days after you become certified to show on the system.

Be sure to add your contact information to the Find Local Help search tool on so people right in your community will know you’re available and how to find you. The Agent/Broker Help Desk can assist you in the process.

 4. Get Up to Speed on Trends and Changes in the Health Insurance Industry

Read articles on recent changes in the health insurance industry. You’ll also want to familiarize yourself with health reform legislation and health insurance rates. Having this knowledge will help you establish yourself as an expert in your field and earn the trust of your clients. 

5. Research the Benefits Consumers Want Most

Understanding consumer preferences is key. While each consumer may have unique needs, researching trends can provide valuable insights. For instance, many consumers today are keen on wellness benefits, indicating a shift in their priorities. By staying responsive to such trends, you can better cater to your clients’ needs.

Discounted fitness memberships, fitness classes, fitness trackers, and home exercise equipment help consumers stay healthy, which helps them keep their out-of-pocket costs down. Today’s consumers also value family planning assistance and mental health benefits. 

Overall, CVS Health reports that consumers are also looking for a more connected, personal healthcare experience.  

6. Inventory Your Marketing Supplies

Once you’ve chosen which health plans you want to represent, take an inventory of your brochures and other marketing materials. Returning agents may have materials left over from the previous year. Just make sure they’re still valid and up to date. 

Order new materials if you’re running low. You should have information on supplemental plans, dental, vision, and accident plans. 

Also, get your enrollment forms in order, such as setup documents, required plan notices for group plans, and any other documents you need to ensure the enrollment process flows smoothly.

7. Start Sending Out Communications

Set up your email strings and plan your social media posts for OEP. Advise clients and prospects of important dates. Update them on changes from the previous year. Encourage them to review their current plans and consider if their needs have changed. 

8. Set Up an Online Presentation or Revise Your Current One

Most of your appointments will likely be virtual, so put your best foot forward with an engaging, informative online presentation. 

With CrankWheel’s screen-sharing tool, you can add slides and videos to a presentation. You can set up a standard presentation or pull up different slides and videos as they fit into an individualized presentation. 

9. Start Pulling Quotes

With all the necessary preparations in place, it’s time to take a proactive step and review your client files. By sending quotes early, you initiate a thought process in your clients, prompting them to consider potential changes or reaffirm their current plan. 

This proactive communication strategy will encourage them to reach out to you with questions.

Develop a Post-OEP Communication Plan

Your sales activities don’t stop at the close of a sale. Stay connected with your clients by letting them know you appreciate their business, are available to answer questions, and are happy to provide additional resources. 

Everyone appreciates being thanked for their business, so be sure to send a thank-you note to each client after the sale. A thank you note is also an excellent lead-in to asking for referrals. 

It’s a good idea to verify that your customers have the details of their plan, including contact information, coverages, and payment information. 

You may also want to send periodic communications asking if they need additional resources or if any new questions have arisen. 

Assess Your Performance

OEP only lasts a few short months, yet they are the busiest months of the year for health insurance agents. The close of the enrollment period is a good time to take stock of what you did well and where you need to improve.

Can you digitize or automate any processes to streamline interactions or reach more clients?

Do you need more resources? Would you like to get more education?  Are you running out of brochures and other materials? 

The ending of OEP should signal the time to start planning for the next open enrollment.

Early Planning Is the Key to Success

It’s never too early to get a jump start on the next OEP season. So, review your open enrollment checklist now and make adjustments as you need to.

Early planning for a successful OEP takes a bit of research and time, yet the payoff can be huge. When the next season arrives, you won’t feel like you’re running against time to help your clients get the best health plan for their budget. 

With the proper tools, including a quality screen-sharing tool, you can make your presentations smoothly and professionally every time.