8 SMART Goals for Insurance Agents in 2024

As an insurance agent, setting goals can help you get clear visions of what you want to achieve throughout the year. It also helps you to plan and track your performance by setting a clear path ahead. So you can see your achievements and give yourself enough pats on the back by the end of the year.

However, setting goals is not about jotting down your future achievements. If you want to make them practicable, there is no better way than to create smart goals.

Smart goals require you to take measurable steps and incorporate new approaches in setting accomplishments. For instance, you want to use AI content marketing tools to help you stay productive.

insurance agent writing down smart goals for the year

Image via Pexels

Proper planning is the leading factor in making your goals attainable. If you’re still unsure about smart goals, you have come to the right place. We’ve compiled eight smart goal examples for insurance agents that you can consider achieving in 2024.


Before revealing the main discussions, let’s delve deeper into what smart goals are. Keep reading to explore the essentials!

What are SMART Goals?

Smart is the abbreviation of specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. Taking into account the five factors, you can make a wiser decision on deciding what goals to target, why you need them, and how you execute them.

If you haven’t heard about smart goals, it can be daunting for you to take further steps. To give you a more in-depth look at smart goals, we’ve prepared the elaboration of each criterion below.


Your goals need to be specific. The more specific they are, the easier it is for you to meet them. On the contrary, a goal that is too broad can be challenging to make true.

When specifying your goal, try to answer the five questions below.

  1. What goal do I want to realize?
  2. Why is the goal significant?
  3. Who will be involved?
  4. How will I execute the goal?
  5. What obstacles or external factors may come along the way?

For instance, you want to improve your marketing strategy. Having such a goal is great, but you can make it more specific, like you want to change your strategy into video marketing to pull in clients.

From there, you can answer the five questions above. Why do you think video marketing will be a good approach? Do you need other parties to create videos? How to make your video highly converting? And what problems may arise?


Your goals must be measurable. Whether you want to measure manually or use digital tools, ensure you can see your progress from time to time. When measuring progress, you can focus on answering “how many” or “how much” questions.

You can set monthly or weekly measurements. For example, you want to submit 16 applications in a month. You can break it down into four applications per week. This way, your workload becomes more manageable, and you can track progress easier.


You’re the one who can value whether or not your goals are achievable. Consider your capabilities, resources, and last year’s performance to come up with ideal targets.

For example, you can check your last year’s performance to set a realistic goal for the number of applicants. You can raise the number adequately to avoid burnout.


Your yearly goals should be relevant to your career path or personal growth. You can set a list of targets like submitting more applicants, building loyal clients, or getting professional certifications.

However, you should also think about your personal growth. Think of how to make you grow to be a better person. You can wish to improve your insurance selling skills, communication skills, or as simple as maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


It’s important to make your goals timely. One way to make your goals lifely is by creating a start and end date for your goals. Setting time frames or deadlines can help you stay on track and focus on making progress.

You can also set deadlines to evoke the spirit or maintain your motivation to do your job. For example, you want to buy a printer this month and a working table next month.

Your intention is to make your goals relevant and achievable. Breaking down your goals into time frames can make them realistically reachable and less daunting.

How to Set SMART Goals?

As there are a few aspects to consider, setting smart goals for 2024 can be daunting for anyone. Without knowing how to do it properly, creating your smart goal list can take forever.

But don’t be worried. We understand the struggle to come up with smart goals. So we’ve pieced together practical steps to set your smart goals as an insurance agent in 2024. Keep scrolling!

1. Begin with Self-Reflection

Self-reflection can help you decide what goals you should achieve this year. You can check your performance by revisiting your past goals and whether or not you’ve accomplished them.

You can find out which goals haven’t been completed or which ones you successfully managed. Take a tour of your memory line to find out which strategies you couldn’t pull off and what approaches helped you succeed.

For the accomplished goals, you can continue them by increasing the quantity or quality. As for the ones you haven’t been able to complete, you can seek better resources or approaches to solving them.

2. Break Down Big Dreams

Again, big goals take a lot of work to handle, so always make your goals specific. A goal that is too broad will confuse you. You may need help finding strategies, resources, and solutions to accomplish it.

On the flip side, specific goals are easier to handle. As you know the ways to meet them, you won’t neglect other goals on your list. This way, your goals become more manageable and achievable. You might want to dig into Social Media Marketing for Insurance Agents but should be more specific by doing Instagram Marketing as an Insurance Agent.

3. Plan for New Approaches

As you develop new ideas and goals, you should also incorporate new approaches to improve your professional career. You can ask your seniors or colleagues to achieve certain targets or handle specific problems.

You may also consider improving your quality as an insurance agent by joining a webinar or online training. You can get many valuable insights as well as new connections. Moreover, you can get help from experts or professionals in the forum.

4. Start with “Why?”

You’re most likely already knowing what your next targets are. However, finding the motivation to make plans and execute them is another problem. It’s part of self-reflection that can help you get a clearer vision of what’s ahead.

If the doubt strikes in, start questioning the “why” to yourself. “Why is this goal significant to you? “Why do you need a new approach to meet your target?” and other questions. You will find reasons to keep working on your goals.

5. Be Realistic

Being realistic about your goals is important. It is in line with making your goals specific and not too broad. If you have target numbers along with your goals, make them adequately, so you have a better chance of achieving them.

Furthermore, if you want to improve the quality of specific jobs, you may need the proper equipment to support you. So having a good balance between goals and reality is paramount to maintaining your motivation.

6. Create a Custom Calendar

One way to help you stay on track and keep progressing is by setting a timeline. You can create a custom calendar with your goals and targets throughout the year.

It allows you to monitor your performance easily. You can notice whenever you struggle to accomplish certain targets and make immediate adjustments if necessary.

7. Be Flexible in Adjusting and Reset

Continuing the previous point, adjustments are most likely needed along the journey. You can’t be stubborn over your goals because it will only hurt you.

If you struggle to achieve certain goals for a long time, there must be issues. Your job is to find the problem and seek solutions to help you proceed.

Moreover, never blame yourself for not getting close to your goals. In a list of goals you made, some are meant to be checked, and others you can save for next year’s resolution.

The thing is, if you think you need to reset your goals, then don’t be stressed too much over it. You may need some time to rest and get back on track stronger.

8 Smart Goals for Insurance Agents in 2024

Being an insurance agent requires communicating fluently with potential and existing clients. As you may be busy with workloads, targets, and other personal

#1: SMART Goal for Closing More Deals

Specific: I want to close more deals this year

Measurable: I want to get 20 deals in a month or five deals each week.

Attainable: I’ve been an insurance agent for a year and close nearly five deals a week. With extra effort and a new marketing strategy, I can achieve more deals this year.

Relevant: I want to push myself and improve my abilities.

Timely: I’ll join weekend webinars starting this week and test a new strategy using screen sharing to close more clients faster.

#2: SMART Goal for Better Communication at Work

Measurable: I want to communicate better with clients and my team.

Attainable: I will be more active on social channels and online chatting to respond immediately.

Relevant: I’ve been using emails and phone calls to contact potential clients. I think contacting them via online chatting apps and virtual meetings is a great plan.

Timely: I will try using more online channels for two months and see if my clients like the idea.

#3: SMART Goal for Better Relationships with Clients

Measurable: I want to maintain engagement and relationships with clients for a long time.

Attainable: I’ve had loyal clients until now. I will ask them what aspects that need improvements from my service.

Relevant: I can continue giving my service like before and improve it by giving valuable content once a week.

Timely: I need to create and send valuable content, like updates, and news, relating to our products once a week to clients and see their responses.

#4: SMART Goal for Improving Emotional Control

Measurable: I want to be more patient when handling potential clients.

Attainable: I will try to wake up earlier to exercise or do yoga to build my mood and maintain a good mental state.

Relevant: I’ve been waking up at 6.30 am. I will set my alarm for 05.30 starting tomorrow.

Timely: I will try to improve my emotional control this month and see if I need to adjust my wake-up time.

#5: SMART Goal for Creating Marketing Approach

Measurable: I want to try video marketing to attract potential clients.

Attainable: I will learn and try free video-maker platforms to make content and share it with potential clients.

Relevant: I will explain my insurance products using videos. Videos can help potential clients to understand my insurance products better.

Timely: I will create two videos in a month. The production of each video will be a week, and then I’ll publish the content on social media or send it directly to prospects.

#6: SMART Goal for Winning Potential Clients

Measurable: I want to convert 10% more prospects than last year.

Attainable: I will use video content to pull in new clients and provide immediate responses to them.

Relevant: I converted 100 clients last year. I will increase the number by 10% to 110 clients or more with a new strategy.

Timely: I have to convert 9 nine clients monthly, so I need to turn in at least two to three prospects weekly.

#7: SMART Goal for Providing Better Service

Measurable: I want to give better service to many clients and prospects.

Attainable: I will make a better impression by sending my clients and prospects birthday wishes.

Relevant: I will set monthly calendars to notify me whenever clients’ birthdays are near.

Timely: I will set clients’ birthdays on a six-month schedule.

#8: SMART Goal for Building Client Loyalty

Measurable: I want my clients to keep reaching out to me to continue their insurance products.

Attainable: I will notify them via email, WhatsApp, or calls whenever good deals or discounts are available.

Relevant: I’ve been only doing email marketing so far. So reaching out to prospects through different online channels may increase my chance of making them loyal clients.

Timely: I will schedule upcoming deals or offers and inform my client about them.


Jotting down your smart sales goals can help you improve your career development. You have a solid list of what you want to achieve in the future, which can motivate you to take bolder steps to escalate your abilities.

Of course, you will need to take the extra mile. You may need to sign up for online classes or join webinars. But all the effort will surely pay off one day, and be part of the journey to build a better version of yourself.

All in all, setting smart goals is effective in visualizing your short-term and long-term targets. You can align them with your target career direction. Ultimately, you can put your primary goal as getting a promotion from your company.


Andre Oentoro

Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video production company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order).

Twitter: @breadnbeyond

Email/Gravatar: [email protected]

LinkedIn: Andre Oentoro